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Local variables and environmental variables
To differentiate further:
Local Variables:
Are defined and accessed only within the shell they are created in.
Serve as temporary storage for data used in scripts or during interactive shell use.
Do not affect the system-wide state or other shell sessions.
Local is only available in the shell it is created in; it is user-specific.
Environment Variables:
Can be inherited by child processes; for instance, when a script runs a command, the environment variables from the script can be accessed by that command.
Are used to configure the environment in which applications or shell scripts run.
Common examples include PATH
, and LANG
, each serving specific roles like specifying directories to search for executables or defining default user locales.
Environmental / Gloabel is available to the whole system. This is located in /etc
As you can see in the image above, the variable GEEKSFORGEEKS is being set for SITE; then, you are using grep to post the output of SITE. To see more documentation on variables and how they work in Linux, look at the GeekforGeeks documentation they posted. It is beneficial and makes understanding variables easy.